Finding out that you are positive for COVID-19 can be tough for both your physical and mental health. Besides wanting to recover, there is also the fear of spreading it to other people in your household or wondering if your symptoms will get worse.
If you are confirmed to have a positive RT-PCR or ART result and are experiencing mild symptoms, below is a helpful guide to managing your condition.
I’m COVID-19 Positive, Now What?
After learning about your condition, do the following:
Stay at home. Isolate in a well-ventilated room that has a dedicated comfort room, if possible. Follow isolation guidelines.
Inform close contacts about your condition. Be responsible in letting them know they need to observe themselves within 3-5 days of exposure from you.
Identify your symptoms. COVID-19 has the usual symptoms of cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue, loss of taste and/or smell, headache, body pain, rashes, and conjunctivitis. However, not everyone will exhibit the full roster of symptoms throughout the time they are infected with the virus, especially if their case is mild.
Consult with a doctor. If you need advice on what type of medicine to buy to mitigate your symptoms, consult online with licensed doctors so you don’t need to go outside.
Buy necessary medication. Once you have your prescription, buy the medicine that can help alleviate your symptoms. The most common ones are acetaminophen, ibuprofen, cough suppressants or expectorants, and antidiarrheals.
Rest well and hydrate. Take a sick leave from work if you must. Drink plenty of water and nourish your body with healthy meals. Don’t do much housework and get plenty of sleep so you can get well sooner.
Home Isolation Guidelines
You might also be thinking: How long do I need to isolate? The answer depends on your vaccination status and the severity of your symptoms. Below is a refresher on the locally-imposed home isolation guidelines by the Department of Health.

Managing Your Symptoms at Home
Depending on your symptoms, each person would have to craft a home treatment plan that is specifically tailored to them. The number one goal is to ensure that you’re comfortable so your body can heal as fast as possible. Here are some of the common ways you can alleviate them.
1. Fever and body aches
There are readily available over-the-counter medicines such as paracetamol or ibuprofen that can be used to reduce a fever or alleviate body pains like muscle aches and headaches. Follow proper dosage instructions for each.
Drink lots of water, and avoid caffeinated beverages, sodas, or other sugary drinks at this time.
Get enough sleep and rest so your body can recuperate. Don’t force coming into work if you can’t handle it.
2. Persistent coughing
Choose the right cough medicine. Wet cough with mucus is usually prescribed with an expectorant; while dry coughs are given a cough suppressant.
Try cough lozenges to soothe sore throat or pain from persistent coughing.
Drink warm water or soup to break up any congested phlegm in your throat or airways. This also keeps you hydrated throughout the day.
3. Shortness of breath
Try your best to relax and breathe slowly. Feel your lungs and chest expanding and contracting with every breath you take.
Avoid doing anything physically strenuous, and find the best position for your body to breathe. This could be seated or upper body slightly elevated when you’re lying down on the bed.
If you are nasally congested, try breathing through your mouth. However, it is best to resolve the congestion so you may try breathing in your nose.
4. Colds and nasal congestion
Breathe in steam. If you have a humidifier or vaporizer, try inhaling the hot steam to soothe your sore throat and open your airways. This will make it easier for you to breathe. You may also try a hot shower room to create steam as an alternative.
When to See a Doctor
Regardless of whether you are living alone or not, it’s always best to update someone on your symptoms and any new developments you may be feeling on a day-to-day basis. If any of your symptoms worsen or you observe the following, see a doctor right away:
Trouble breathing
Persistent chest pain or pressure
New confusion
Bluish lips or face
Inability to stay awake
Pale, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips, or nail beds
As it has been almost two years into this pandemic, we are now better equipped with the means to deal with the symptoms that this viral infection brings. If you need more advice on how to deal with your mild symptoms, consider consulting a doctor online through the Doctor Anywhere app.
Continue to keep safe!